Juliet Wishner

Denver, Colorado

Juliet Wishner

Denver, Colorado

Quick Facts

  • Assists the Colorado office with administrative and support duties, legislative fundraising, scheduling meetings, and organizing annual events and legislative receptions

Juliet's Bio

Juliet Wishner, an associate, joined the firm in August 2024 and supports the Denver, Colorado office.  In her role, she primarily assists with administrative and support duties, legislative fundraising, scheduling meetings, and organizing annual events and legislative receptions. During legislative session, she is responsible for attending hearings, inputting Bill declarations for clients, drafting weekly newsletters, and providing legislative research and policy analysis through issue papers and bill summaries.

Prior to Cornerstone, Juliet was a Project Intern for B8 of Hope in Geneva, Switzerland. In this role, she contacted civil society partners in Israel and Palestine to cowrite an annual report highlighting the shift in work after the start of the war.  Prior to this role, Juliet served as an International Law Intern for the Geneva International Centre for Justice. She drafted and edited reports about various sessions of the UN Human Rights Councils and International Days, publishing them on the organization’s website.

Before that, Juliet worked for multiple organizations, including Windows: Channels for Communications, Frederick S. Padee Center for International Futures, United Jewish Appeal and Tzion Derech: Maayan Bamidar. In these roles, Juliet wrote proposals, conducted research and coordinated and facilitated meetings.

Juliet holds a bachelor’s degree in international studies and sociology and a minor in middle eastern languages and cultures from the University of Michigan, and she recently received her master’s degree in international human rights from the University of Denver: Josef Korbel School of International Studies.



MA, University of Denver; BA, University of Michigan